
(04/11) Ms. Ellen's Class (6-1, 6-3, 6-4)

  • 작성자 Ellen Willson
  • 작성일 2024-04-11
  • 조회수 28


(6-1): Writing Assignment [Due: 04/16]


(6-1)Writing Assignment
  • First you all joined the class on Canva 
  • Then using the given template you began to write your expository text on your type of government
Homework: Writing Assignment [Due: 04/16]
  • You were all given feedback on your plans.
  • Using the feedback and the template given you need to finish your writing assignment
  • You can change the style and the structure of the page, however the text size and the amount of text you write should be the same (similar) to the template given, 
(6-3)(6-4):Reading comprehension - Anthology 
  • You worked with a partner to read the text Who Created Democracy 
  • Whilst you read the text, you wrote down the important details
Homework: There is no homework today. 

이전글 (4/11) Mr. Marcel's Class (6-1, 6-3, 6-4)
다음글 (4/12) Ms. Diana's Grade 6 English Class (6-2,6-3,6-4)