
(04/09) Ms.Ellen's Class (6-1, 6-2, 6-4)

  • 작성자 Ellen Willson
  • 작성일 2024-04-09
  • 조회수 43


(6-2)Finish your writing assignment plan (Due: 04/08) [LATE: If you did not submit, you need to complete the homework by the next class]
(6-3)Finish your writing assignment plan (Due: 04/08) [LATE: If you did not submit, you need to complete the homework by the next class]


(6-1)(6-2) Reading comprehension - Anthology 
  • You worked with a partner to read the text Who Created Democracy 
  • Whilst you read the text, you wrote down the important details
Homework: There is no homework today. 
  • If you did not finish the anthology reading and notes in class, you must finish for homework. I have attached the file to this post and I will upload it to google classroom as well. 

(6-4)Reading comprehension 
  • We began class with a little activity to chow the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy 
  • Individually or in pairs, you read the text in your workbook (pages 12-13)
  • You completed the comprehension questions in your workbook. 
Homework: There is no homework today. 
  • If you did not finish the questions (Page 13) in class, you must finish for homework 
이전글 (4/9) Mr. Marcel's Class (6-1, 6-2, 6-4)
다음글 (4/11) Ms. Diana's Grade 6 English Class (6-1, 6-3, 6-4)
Thank you I'll meet you tommorow^^