
[4/29] Ms. Kang's Gr.2 English Class

  • 작성자 Lise Kang
  • 작성일 2024-04-29
  • 조회수 50
[Class Agenda]

1. Homework Check 

2. Practice: how to read a clock using "to" or "past" 


No Homework  


Many students can't read a clock using "to" or "past". 
The concept might be too hard for my students.
I've attached the PPT material I used to have them practice the concept.
You can use this material to have your child practice how to read a clock using "to" or "past", but it is not mandatory. 
이전글 (04/29) Ms. Ellen's Grade 2 Class
다음글 (04/29) Ms Diana's Grade 2 English Class